In today’s episode we cover the pressing issue of the impending student strikes in regards to climate change. Most of it is stemming from the 16 year old activist Greta Thurnberg. An activist who refuses to to talk to people who disagree with her ideas. Which makes the idea of changing minds impossible. This NPR Article sums up some of the insane ideas she is championing and rallying the youth of the world behind.
The really frustrating part is that if you had the gall to question the fallacious and exaggerate claims she makes, you’re forced to deal with “you hate kids, women and the differently abled (she has aspberghers they claim.)” Article
There is specific effort to link sexism to the questioning of the suppositions. Free market apparently just means sexism now. Not a commie, must be sexist. Article
Here in the states NYC mayor Deblasio is saying it’s cool to skip school to protest for action on climate change. Why are we listening to a generation with no foundation in economics or even life experience in general? Article
In general the level of Fear our children are living under is terrifying. The Washington Post seems to have evidence that a majority of students are generally afraid the world is ending and at least 1 in 4 of them are actively engaging in activism. Article
Sadly this all seems to stem from the huge indoctrination campaign (save the rainforest) I went through as a kid.
Addditional Links:
- Another on student strikes Article
- The spread of activism and strikes globally. Article
- Glad he had a well thought out alternative and not just complaints that not enough is being done. Article
If there’s a topic you want to hear more about drop us a line and let us know.
Links are always appreciated.For more episodes check out freemarketsgreenearth.com
Free Markets, Green Earth is hosted by Nicky P (Sounds Like Liberty, This Week In Liberpods & The Introvert Musician Podcasts) as well as The Liberty Hippie: Ben Pangie (Homesteads & Homeschools Podcast.)