Before today’s interview we are going to jump back to one of my favorite christian rock bands Reliant K with College Kids. Does it have anything worthwhile to say about the college experience? Where does it land on our scale from Dylan to July?
Nicky’s pick is a noisy progressive record called The Fleeting Light of Impermanence by The Appleseed Cast out of Atlanta, Georgia. It’s ambiant noise of the best kind with the vocals as another fantastic instrument. https://graveface.bandcamp.com/album/the-fleeting-light-of-impermanence
I’ve got Sailing England by The Pounds. This is another folk album (big shock) with mouth harp and banjo to show that the americana trend has most definitely crossed the pond. Each track has its own flavor. In some cases it’s almost a gimmick; like Miss Me building layers of sound, or Walking Around with its ambient noise. Thankfully the solid production keeps it from getting too annoying. There is a continuum between charming and depressing I basically hang out there. If you’re like me, this is the perfect mood music. https://thepounds.bandcamp.com/album/sailing-england
Today’s guest is Jaron Weidner; entrepreneur and lead singer of the band Hundred Year Dash Check out The Symmetry Ep http://bit.ly/2W6Fbcb
Here are some of the artists we talked about:
- Mxpx https://spoti.fi/2VR1e1q
- Five Iron Frenzy https://spoti.fi/2LGPQW3
- The Chariot https://spoti.fi/2X8gF71
- Tooth & Nail Records http://bit.ly/2QrIyEu
- The Postal Service https://spoti.fi/2M7sWax
- Mutemath https://spoti.fi/2YVqHsF
- Passion Pit https://spoti.fi/2X84cjF
- Title Fight https://spoti.fi/2K2Z50i
- Basement https://spoti.fi/30L5XWe
- Frightened Rabbit https://spoti.fi/2YJF7Me
Jaron Recommends
- Brother Sister – Mewithoutyou http://bit.ly/2I19cQE
- Disintegration – The Cure http://bit.ly/2K4Do00
- Julianne Baker http://bit.ly/2VSc3QK
* * *
Find all the episodes at http://www.ancapmusic.com
Check out the show’s spotify soundtrack here:https://spoti.fi/2MFxkKG
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