Hey peeps, changes are afoot for the show. SLL will soon become Peace Freqs, but no worries.The hosts and the principles behind the show will be the same. Listen for the details in the show opening.I also realized that I could be listing the pods we plug in our bumpers on the show. So I’ll start with this week’s pick. Check out Free Talk Live:http://bit.ly/35wr0Np . It is seven day per week call in show with a libertarian point of view. This week’s guest is Mr. Cam Harless, Fearless leader of the MLGA (Make Liberty Great Again) network and host of it’s flagship podcast. He joins us to talk about
Here are some of the topics we talked about:
- Voluntary Vixens http://bit.ly/2mdTnim
- Thank You For Your Servers http://bit.ly/2TcNtN9
- Lesbertarian http://bit.ly/35wWYsL
- Technoagorist http://bit.ly/35z3rU9
- The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert A Heinlein http://bit.ly/35sZLTL
- The Expanse https://imdb.to/2ZmtziJ
- Thomas Sowell http://bit.ly/2s52XYj
- Avett Brothers https://spoti.fi/2FrkQn6
- Wild Sweet Orange https://spoti.fi/2Ft2Rwv
- Twister (soundtrack) https://spoti.fi/2QUuXpP
- Batman Forever (Soundtrack) https://spoti.fi/35tEERv
- Into The Spiderverse https://imdb.to/2unZ7Kp
Featured Music
- Show Intro Damn Beach by Burns To The Soul https://burnstothesoul.bandcamp.com/track/damn-beach
- Show Outro: Closure by Tenwatch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NetR3FiAFag
- 1st Song: Join Or Die (ft. Miranda Golter) by Volume Zero http://bit.ly/2ZZriv3
- 2nd Song: White Out Tide by Carried By Six http://bit.ly/2Nks3KE
- 3rd Song: Delirium by 3rd World Leader http://bit.ly/2Pd3D70
- 4th Song: 454 by Mutiny at Midnight http://bit.ly/2Bahp1Z
The Important Stuff
- Find all the episodes at http://www.ancapmusic.com
- Check out the show’s spotify soundtrack here: https://spoti.fi/2MFxkKG
- To Support Us Join The Freedom Choir here: http://www.supportsll.com
- Click here to sign up for email list: http://bit.ly/2MDWoSg
- Want the best course in music & liberty online? http://freedomsong365.com
Nick’s Other Shows
- Free Markets Green Earth: https://freemarketsgreenearth.com
- Parent 2 Podcaster: https://parent2podcaster.com
- This Week In Liberpods: https://liberpods.com
Sounds Like Liberty is a proud creation of The Mad Audio Lab at https://madaudiolab.com