In today’s episode Nicky P & Lizzie talk to Michael Heise of the Libertarian Party Mises Caucus about the music he’s passionate about and its role in shaping him. Sorry It runs long.
Today’s episode features music by:
Jordan Page https://www.facebook.com/jordanpagemusic
All That Remains https://www.facebook.com/allthatremains/
Born Of Osiris https://www.facebook.com/bornofosiris/
Mudvayne https://www.facebook.com/mudvayne/
Meshuggah https://www.facebook.com/meshuggah/
Vildhjarta https://www.facebook.com/vildhjartaofficial/
Immortal Technique https://www.facebook.com/TechImmortal/
After The Burial https://www.facebook.com/aftertheburial/
Lupe Fiasco https://www.facebook.com/LupeFiasco/
Carriedbysix https://carriedbysixcle.bandcamp.com/
Third World Leader https://www.facebook.com/3rdworldleader/
I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead