Teachers Are Underpaid, You Pay Too Much For Public School & They Rob The Kids To Finance It

We’re Number 1: The Big Lie

Why Do You Say We Overpay For Education?
I desire a system that creates an independent adult that can grow and mature and do better than I did in life.
Industry desires a person that does well with following instructions and showing up. The longer you last in our system the more obedient you are. At least this is what credentials signal to employers. We all know people rarely get a job in the field their degree is in.
Administration desires students do well enough to warrant accolades for the school. If we have to lower standards to get higher grades then so be it.
Special interests desire as much of the time your child is captive as they can get. They want to nudge them as often as they can in whatever direction serves them. This serves the governments desire to “entertain kids.”

What Do You Mean They Rob The Kids To Finance It?

A Better Vision For Teachers
I hope I’ve illustrated how teachers are underpaid. What’s my solution though? Fair question. Let’s start with a number.
This is the number our federal government spends each year. This gives us a good place to start. Let’s do some easy math from here. What do you think is a reasonable class size? Five students sounds like a nice round number to me. If the money follows the students then a teacher now has a $74.4K per year with summer vacation. That’s considerably more than my last salary position working 60 hours a week in the banking industry. This sounds like a very manageable small business. Not to mention, imagine the versatility in a system where each teacher is their own school.
If this were the setup I’d signup to be a teacher tomorrow. But it’s not. Instead our teachers work in rooms with over 20 students. So teachers bring in around $300 thousand a year. Where does all this money go? I don’t need to preach to teachers. We both know it’s not going into classroom resources. Instead it goes into the ever growing bureaucracy. The administration. Remember also that $300K is what a single teacher brings into a school. I don’t see many one room schoolhouses these days. How many administrators should there be for how many teachers? How much should they make? Should they make more than the actual educators?

If It Were That Easy We’d Already Do It That Way!
The truth is, no we wouldn’t. Governmental organizations have an inherent problem with incentives. The generally have no competition. In the education arena they get to dictate what their competition has to do at every step. This makes the alternatives less then competitive.
Another point is, no one wants to be jobless. People in government funded positions don’t have to turn a profit. They don’t make revenue in he first place. The natural incentive is to work hard but never actually solve an issue. This generally causes your budget to inflate but makes sure you don’t need to look for a new job.
When focusing on incentives one thing seems obvious. Government schools will always devalue educators in favor of bureaucracy. This brings us back to the articles title: Teachers Are Underpaid, You Pay Too Much For Public School & They Rob The Kids To Finance It.
You can dismiss this as the rantings of a homeschool dad. I’d prefer you take it as an observation from an outside perspective. I have no gain either way. I want you to see teachers are underpaid because the system is corrupt. My only motivation is seeing teachers empowered to inspire the youth. Many of my college friends became teachers. Some of my own family members have struggled with the system as well. I’ve listened to the problems for decades. The bottom line is: the system only works for bureaucrats. It fails students and teachers daily. My vision might not be the answer but what exists currently definitely isn’t either.