A Goof Troop Christmas Review – Year-Round Tree 022
In today’s episode Nicky P and Lizzie review A Goof Troop Christmas, otherwise known as Have Yourself A Goofy Little Christmas. The special was a joyous romp back into our childhoods for both Lizzie and Nicky P. Why did this show not run forever? Was it the odd feelings young boys were developing toward half dog ladies inspired by Peg? Wait, was that just Nicky? That math checks out, a weird horny adult was probably a weird horny youth. Lizzie on the other hand was enamored with the silly name changes like Aspirin instead of Aspen. All in all the special has a thrilling sled chase an evil “Dr Claw” bear and arson on a massive scale, what more could you want. Togetherness? Well there’s that too.
Beverages For Round The Fireplace
Nicky P is indulging in Cinnamon Candy Apple Shots with a recipe found on webstaurantstore.com featuring: sour apple schnappes, cinnamon whiskey and a little red food coloring to help get those fun layers.
Christmas Sweater Fever
Nicky P decided to try and get lizzie nostalgic and has brought back one of the argyle sweater vests that were such a staple of his wardrobe when they first met. The kilt was for comedies sake in case nostalgia failed. Where did it land? Find out!
Want More A Goof Troop Christmas ?
Visit the Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Goof_Troop_episodes
Check out the IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0243933/
Season Three Episodes
- A Charlie Brown Christmas Review - Year-Round Tree 029
- A Flintstones Christmas Carol Review - Year-Round Tree 028
- Rankin & Bass’ Rudolph Review - Year-Round Tree 027
- Elf Review - Year-Round Tree 026
- Arthur Christmas Review - Year-Round Tree 025
- Netflix's Klaus Review - Year-Round Tree 024
- Christmas Snow Review - Year-Round Tree 023
- A Goof Troop Christmas Review - Year-Round Tree 022
- To Grandmothers House We Go Review - Year-Round Tree 021
- American Dad: S6E8: For Whom The Sleighbell Tolls Review - Year-Round Tree 020
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