This week we speak again with Matthew Erickson, He is Jason Stapleton’s wing man for the Wealth, Power and Influence Podcast.(http://jasonstapleton.com/podcast) Matt shares his particular viewpoint on the current (virus related) situation and the real possibilities of an evolution to Anarchy.
Here are some of the topics we talked about:
- Prop Report w/ Monica Perez http://bit.ly/2lS1xwB
- Tom Woods Show Ep. 1617 https://bit.ly/2QOe29k
- Nasim Telib on Twitter https://twitter.com/nntaleb/status/1176190670433857536?lang=en
- Naval Ravikant https://nav.al/
- Porcupine Perspective https://porcupinepov.porcupinepodcast.com/
Featured Music
- Show Intro: Foolish by Nicky P
- Show Outro: Closure by Tenwatch https://bit.ly/3brrRSR
- 1st Song: Diamond Ring by Hot Roddin’ Romeos http://bit.ly/2kNnwVq
- 2nd Song: Toward the Light by B and B Abriance http://bit.ly/2OzY1CD
- 3rd Song: Leave it Alone by Owen Glass http://bit.ly/2kNo1ig
- 4th Song: Dixie’s Song by Nick Piccone http://bit.ly/2Wldc5d
The Important Stuff
- Find all the episodes at http://www.ancapmusic.com
- Check out the show’s spotify soundtrack here: https://spoti.fi/2MFxkKG
- To Support Us Join The Freedom Choir here: https://upgradetheshow.com
- Click here to sign up for email list: http://bit.ly/2MDWoSg
- Want the best course in music & liberty online? https://freedomsong365.com
Nick’s Other Shows
- Free Markets Green Earth: https://freemarketsgreenearth.com
- Parent 2 Podcaster: https://parent2podcaster.com
- This Week In Liberpods: https://liberpods.com
Sounds Like Liberty is a proud creation of The Mad Audio Lab at https://madaudiolab.com